Animal Life

Arctic Hare 
It is 22-28 inches and 9-12 lbs. Its fur turns brown in the summer and white in the winter to help it adapt to the weather. It eats berries, twigs, mosses and other vegetation that can be found in tundra. It lives in extreme Northern Canada. They build shelters in the snow to keep them away from the cold.

Snowy Owl

It camouflages against the snow, which helps it to catch its prey. It hunts day and night for rabbits, seagulls, and ducks. Their nest is on ground but higher then other ground so that they can see their prey and predators well. They live mostly in Greenland.


It stays in the Arctic Tundra. Their feathers change color depending on if it is summer or winter. They live in the North. You can usually find one high up on rocky slopes. Female and baby ptarmigans may prefer a bush so they have better protection from predators. The male prefers open areas so that they can see predators and other ptarmigans. They eat any vegetation that grows in tundra.

Polar Bear


Their fur blends in with the snow for protection and they can burrow dens in the snow for shelter. They live in the Arctic Tundra locations in the extreme north.


Reindeer are very strong swimmers, which can help them get across bogs, streams or melted ice. Their hair can trap air in which provides them with excellent insulation. They live in alpine or arctic tundra.

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